“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak” ~ Buddha
Meditation is simply single pointed concentration on an object or concept, but hidden in this practice of stillness are huge benefits for body and mind.
I’ve always been curious to explore meditiation, and after an incredible 7 month trip to various countries where meditation is entwined deeply in culture, I became even more fascinated and determined to start my own practice.
There are so many proven benefits to meditation, some being improved concentration and clarity, decreased anxiety, lower blood pressure, increased grey matter in the brain, and slower aging. Studies have shown that after only 8 weeks of daily meditation, physical changes in our brains are seen, pretty cool hey!
Exploring meditation led me to realise how many styles and forms there are, and I absolutely believe there is a style of meditation out there for us all. Having felt the benefits myself, I felt called to learn more. In 2020, I undertook a 30 hour meditation teacher training, and absolutely loved it.
I have discovered so much more about meditation, and absolutely love sharing this powerful practice with others. I now write guided meditations for my pregnancy and restorative yoga classes, as well as creating personalised meditations and 1-2-1 sessions with clients.
I believe everyone can benefit from meditation, in whichever form that suits them, so if you’re open minded and curious about how this benefit you, please get in touch.
Ready to meditate?
Are you ready to improve your sleep, reduce anxiety, promote concentration, and overall wellbeing? Why not try one of my guided relaxations as you unwind, there’s something for everyone. Each meditation is written and recorded by me, and average 10-15 minutes, to make them easy to fit in to your busy day.